
Oh yeah...


Sorry if you are late to this party but this girl is with child! I have already told the social media and my personal world and realized i have not posted it here. So again, sorry for the abruptness but let me just give you the full story from the beginning.

People ask how long we have been "trying" well to answer that, the conversation where we decided we really were ready to have a baby happened about a week before we found out we were. But i have been off of birth control since December so it was about 7 months. I know that really isnt bad compared to some of the women out there, but when its you, thats a very long time.

About a month before we found out we actually thought i was and taking that negative test was a little sad and made me realize i would be okay if we did have a baby. So, then comes the next month and i am about 5 days late but i try to not get too excited (actually hid it from Charles) then one night we were sitting on the couch and he asked me when it should be. Long story short we end up at Maceys at 9:30 at night. We get up to the cashier and he asks us if we are hoping for a positive or a negative. We both say positive. He asks how long we have been married, trying etc. etc. and he tells us this whole story about how him and his wife tried for so long and had 3 miscarriages and then he got cancer which made him sterile, after they both stopped worrying about it, they now have 3 kids! needless to say he was amazing and so sweet and made me feel a lot better about it all.

The test was negative and i was heart broken i cried for a bit and then decided that it just wasnt meant to be. Charles kept telling me as we were in bed that he just had this feeling that the test was wrong. I was not convinced because i had no feelings of pregnancy, i felt exactly the same as i always did.

A couple days later i was sitting on my couch alone and still not having my period i thought maybe i would take the other test just for kicks and giggles. ( i have this weird thing where if i know something like that is in my closet i just have to take it. i once took one on my period just because it was there TMI i know haha) so i pee, set it on the counter, wash my hands, start to pick my face. Totally forgetting the task at hand until i look down, and to my surprise there it is! TWO pink lines!

Wow this is going long i am so sorry i will shorten it up.

I put a tampon in the garbage, Charles made another comment about me probably being pregnant and should take another test i firmly said "no im on my period so stop worrying!"

The next day i went and bought little baby beanies and wrapped them. When he got home i told him i had something for him. i said i just wanted to get him something to show him how much i appreciated everything he does for me and how much i love him. He opened the bag and practically tackled me, it was magical.

That is where i will have to end for today i do not want to bore you away. I will save the horror stories for tomorrow!

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