
Spending Stresses Me

Yesterday morning i went to the salon for a change.

it was a little different then what i planed but i love it actually.

Then we decided to go to Olive Garden for our last time eating out 
(its become way too regular)

Then next we went to Bed Bath and Beyond for a duvet cover because white is a terrible color to sleep on.. dont do it unless you shower twice a day and wash the bedding every other day.

It is so great! its got lots of colors. teal, red, yellow, grey etc. it will go great with anything.

But then, like always, it happened. 
i absolutely hate to spend money. it makes me anxious and overwhelmed.
even though we have been using gift cards and wedding money to buy everything i still feel like throwing up or crying. (i usually just cry) 
it drives Charles crazy and i am trying so hard to not be a stupid girl.

so once the crying started, my dear sweet husband said that he was going to go out for an hour  and he wanted me to do whatever i had to do to stop crying and be happy, and when he came back we were going to have a great rest of our Saturday.

So he left, i cried, then cleaned, ate my left over pasta, and was happy.
but not as happy as when he came back home with my favorite treat in the whole world.

A Kneaders fruit tart and daisies. i have the best husband ever!

Oh, i also left out something important that added to the spending.
We got our gym passes, its a good thing dont get me wrong we need them. i just struggle with the cost of them.
im sure i will keep mine for 3 months and then get rid of it.

so let me hear your opinion,
am i crazy??

P.S. if you follow me on instagram, sorry that you have already seen all these pictures i will start using my camera to take pictures.

1 comment:

  1. i just love you!!
    I'm opposite! i spend all the money and my husband crys! haha JK. looove you
